Friday, April 13, 2007

Why kids ask why, and what the hell do we say?

Why is the sky blue dad? From the reflection of the sun. Why is the water blue dad? Actually for the same reason. Why do I have to follow the rules dad? Because the law says so. Why does the law say so? Lil one the law is written by those whom we have chosen to make choises for us. So then why are you mad at the president, dad?...Welllll...because he doesnt obey the law little one and no I can't explain why.

But Daddy, isn't He the leader of our country , and shouldn't he be following what we want him to do? Yes honey, He should but he says, He knows what is best for our country, and he expects us to just follow him, he said he is who DECIDES what's best for us.

But Dad, I learned in school that he is supposed to do what we decide and follow the law or the conti..consta...contastitshun...?
Yes lil one, he is but he has DECIDED that he alone knows what is best for us. I can't explain why he thinks that way, I don't understand myself why over three thousand young Americans have died in a vain attempt to appease his desire to overthrow what took this countries founders many years to bring to life, a land that was given the rule...of the people, by the people, and for the people.

But Daddy, arent we supposed to decide what is best for us?
Yes honey, but it takes much more these day to do that, we have to depend on those we have elected to represent us to do the right thing for the sake of our country.

Why Dad, I learned in school that we have the right to change the govenm, goverment as we need to?
Yes child, that is true we elect many people to take our thoughts and feelings to the government and then we expect them to follow what we have said, but many times it doesn't happen.

Why Daddy?
Because sometimes there are many people with alot of money who actually control what the lawmakers we voted into office do...and they think they know what is best for us and themselves.
Do they think of what we need Daddy?
No, not most of the time they seem to only think of themselves alot.

Well then Dad, I think you should get elected to an office and change everything.
Honey, I can't because I haven't the money to do it. It takes a great deal of money to accomplish that.

But dad, I was told that Mr. Lincoln lived in a log cabin , and we have a nice house? Doesn't that count?

At that point I had to sigh and just give My lil one a hug, because I could not answer the question. Why can't a small voice, any more, make a change. Why does everything we may want get ignored by those we vote for? Why doesn't anyone listen to the little man anymore? Suddenly, I realized that My lil child was right all along, why don't we get a voice and just scream if we have to...WHY????

Happy Birthday Mr. Jefferson.

Next thought.....TR

Sunday, April 8, 2007

A arrrrggggg!

"Render unto Ceasar, that which is Ceasar's, and unto God that which is God's. A simple phrase actually, spelling out any relationship between a religion and its government. Who one might ask spoke so eloquently and yet in such simplicity about seperation between church and state? Well actually it was Jesus himself. Imagine that, seperation of church and state in one simple to understand phrase, two thousand years almost, before the founding fathers of America put it into the supreme law of the land.

Amazed , dont be...Astounded , not really...Afraid, well maybe a little. Good you should be, because in almost all of history, when a single belief in any type of deity occurs, war, totalitarianism and eventually total anarchy ultimitely brings such governments to their knees. Take a close look at the Roman Empire shortly after it embraced christianity, it crumbled into memories and history books. I dont just pick on the Christian faith, the Muslims, the Budhists, the Hindu's, and others to numerous to belabor here, even many various tribes in Africa suffer from religious persecution at the hands of some kind of an overly zealous faith guided government.

Why am I bringing this up you ask? Simply because of these several types of theocratic/autocratic scenerios I can imagine, this is by far the worst and most frightening, especially in a country like America. We are one of the most (if not the most) diversified peoples of any country in the world and we cant even agree on a hamburger much less a religion, yet there are those with money and powerful influence that would love to decide for us. "If You Don't Worship My Way You are obviously a Dissident and a Traitor to the Country !" that is what I fear, total desemimation of the people of a free nation to decide what church, what mosque, what synagogue, or what temple to woship ones own personal deity.

So today I ask, no, I beg you all...dont let any of our freedom slip through our hands for the sake of a religious fervor, or an obviously misguided attempt at control, stand and say with me, "I am an American and My God/ess/'s said I am Free to Worship as I so Choose"! Peace and No new War!

I humbly thank you all and I will talk to Y'all later.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Is this reality or am I only dreaming?

Have you ever been woken up by a bout with the flu at the crack of dawn one morning and instantly you felt like someone has used your head for a mop and your butt for a broom and cleaned the backyard up with you? Good. I was afraid I was alone in this.

During this incursion into illness induced delirium(my only lucid thought being the ability to calculate my location in the house and the proximity of the closest bathroom, but I digress) I found myself pondering questions that I believe at any other time would have been simple and understandable, yet to me they defied logic. I cite three rants, er, examples.

Example 1. Who really and truly cares one tinkers damn what personal religion any of the Founding Fathers had? Does it matter if they were Deists, Theists, Agnostic, or even (gasp) Mormon? What matters it seems to me is that they valued their personal ideals of faith so much that they made damn sure they stayed out of the supreme law of the land, the Constitution. Why is that such a difficult concept to grasp?

Example 2. The oil companies continue to post record profits and yet this happens. Eight British servicemen are captured by Iran and it doesnt matter whose side of what line they were on, why in the hell did gasoline take an almost 75 cent jump in a mere few days with no dropping in sight? When I was a bit younger I was taught that war profiteering was illegal. Maybe they just didnt get the memo.

Example 3. Remember a while back how silly everyone thought it was that the Muslems became so enraged over a couple of cartoons of the prophet Mohammed? Whether in poor taste or not most everyone thought the reaction was a bit over the top. But then an artist over here carves a statue completely out of chocolate of an anatomically correct Jesus and what happens?
Every religious zealot gets their undies in a knot over it as if the worst sacriledge had been commited. Last time I checked most everyone agrees that He was male, or perhap they are upset because the artist didn't carve Him "miraculous" enough. Hmmm.

At anyrate so much for my recovery ranting, the rest is up to Y'all because I hear my orange juice calling me...I hope its my orange juice. Talk to ya later, TR.