Saturday, August 22, 2009

My own rant on Health Care

It's time I said a couple things about the idiotic fight over "gov. run healthcare", and so it starts. We already have it so deal with it you people, now it just needs to include every one. Now I want it understould that I am just talking and not presenting a better solution, it's my opinion and everyone is entitled to it.

I have gotten overly tired of hearing that all the Feds want to do is take over more of our lives, this is a silly and irrational statement. First lets start off with the simple fact that we are the only industrialized nation that does not provide health care for its citizens. Second let's take on the fact that, though many say that healthcare is not a right, I contend that it is simply for the fact that the preamble to the Constitution of the United States says that it is. Remember kids that this is what our Founding Fathers said..."We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Did you all notice that little tidbit about general Welfare? If that does not mean the welfare and wellbeing of all Americans don't mean healthcare , I will bow to you superior intellect(I don't expect to do much bowing at this point).

At this point I will tell you that I will not spout statistics or other numbers that can be adjusted to say anything the writer wishes them to be. I will although tell you that I am writing this because of "government healthcare", because if it were not for the VA I would not be writing this today because I would be dead. Yes I said the VA, that means I am a veteran, not someone who just decided to take on a cause because it happens to be the news of the day. The last time I checked the VA is a government run health and welfare agency. If it were not for a concerned lab tech and a Dr. I would not have been told that my blood sugar was 1465 and I need to get to the closest E.R. So I know I owe them a great debt I cannot repay. Does the system have a few problems? Yes of course it does but so do the local hospitals in the area I live in , it's a problem we all face, but it is not insurmountable. Problems can be fixed along with the fixing of people who depend on the sevices that the orginizations offer, be they private or federal. No system is perfect and never will be. Which leads to another point, what the fuck are death panels? To my knowledge they already exist, they are called insurance company bean counters, or, Medical Directors,(nice title for a peon with absolutely no trainingin medicine) that have no medical training and that decide whether or not you get the care you need instead of your own physician, go figure. Hell I would rather go to a witch doctor at that point.(no pun intended)Hey Sarah ...go scratch.

I watch the news on several networks and I have seen so many of the people that are screaming that they don't want the government involvement seem to this writer to be at or close to the age that they are going to retire or already have, does this mean that they will walk away from their Social Security or their Medicare because they don't want it because the feds control it? I am taking bets that they won't. I saw a cartoon not to long ago and would love to post it but I haven't gotten permission to use it so I can't. The jist of it is that there is a a fellow talking to another at a townhall meeting weaing a No Socialism t-shirt and he says to his buddy ,"sorry I'm late but I had to drop my mom off at the SS office and I had to stop and apply for unemployment benefits." Hmmmmm.

What the hell people? We are, as the Founding Fathers so succinctly put it, "A grand experiment", does that mean that we have come this far to think that the experiment is a failure and we should not think about the "general welfare" of our fellow countrymen? And I mean all of them (yes even the GLBT). All of those who think so need to go back a few hundred years and see what was done and why . Evry child and every citizen of this country has the right to quality healthcare , made affordable with the help of the government that was created to help, not hinder, it's people in their personal persuit of the happiness this country has afford them.

As an aside I will now say that this whole rant also applies to the right for marriage equality, because it is this writers opinion that everyone deserves the right to be happy and to tie the knot.

To quote the computer from Tron.................End of Line.

Peace, Love, and Light...TR

P.S. Remember, the GOP could be running this show , now all the Dems have to do is grow a spine and a sac, and to quote Bartcop," Why can't they just list the facts?"(Beware the PalinMonster).

Friday, August 14, 2009

Summertime cookout, Part2, the burger...

This recipe is so easy that if it were not for lack of opposible thumbs, most family pets could make these burgers and leave you free to guard the beer cooler. Let's go...

1lb. ground chuck

1/2lb. ground pork

1 pkg. onion soup mix(any kind will do pick your favs).

2 Tbs. Whatsthatthere sauce(Worchestershire)

2 tsp.(healthy)oregano

1 squirt of ketchup to taste

Mix that whole mess together and let it rest for at least a half hour in the fridge.
Now I am gonna assume that you have a scale , if not get one they are real cheap at one of the local box stores.Now measure out a 1/4 to 1/3rd lb. pattie and roll them into balls and then squich them into a patty and round off the sides with your hand to keep them even, and lay them out on wax paper.
Go fire up the grill and let it get to medium/high heat and while your waiting go enjoy a cold one.
When the grill is ready slide the burgers onto the grill and season with a dash of season salt, close the grill and IGNORE them for 4 min.(I mean it don't lift the lid).
When the time has past, open the lid and flip the burgers over and temper any flame (with a water spray bottle)and leave them for 3 min.
This will give you a medium rare burger that you can add(yuck)cheese or such and let them sit there for another minute
Take'em off and onto a plate to rest for five minutes and during that time you can toast your buns(though I find that annoying cuz my jeans get scorched).

So there ya'll go the very best burgers that can be had, enjoy them with that there Tater Salad and a cold one and have a party with good family and friends.

Peace,love, and light...TR

P.S. How many Druids does it take to change a light bulb?
A. 12, one to hold the bulb and eleven to drink and dance until the room starts spinning.

(so much for humor)Byeeeeee..........

Thursday, August 13, 2009

And now for something really odd...Christians and Democracy.

The RRR(Radical Religious Reich and other fellow idealogues that function under the guise of historical revisionists or better yet just plain old wingnuts) are at it again. Aside from the fact that they would have any of us believe that this country was founded on christian ideals and prinipals, despite the fact that the COTUS says distinctly otherwise, they also wish us to believe that any marriage not sanctioned by a church is less than valid, that cohabitation is against their personal faiths, and gods forbid if two loving humans of the same sex wish to get married, it is an abomination before their personal vision of god.

They constantly point out that good old Prop 8 in CA was won by the democratic principals of Majority Rules. What they fail to grasp is that this country is not a democracy as the word is defined, but is truly a Constitutional Republic( let that sink in for a moment kids). To quote my friend (((billy))), "News flash, folks: the Constitution of the United States of America exists to protect the minority. Majority rule must be tempered. And it is by our laws." Much better said than I ever could have.

What the Moral Meatheads and their ilk fail to grasp is that the COTUS was written to protect those citizens of this country that could not otherwise protect themselves, that means it is up to the majority to make sure the minority get the same freedoms that all should enjoy despite ANY supposed, or concieved fault on their part. Now someone please explain to me how something so simple and straightforward could possibly be so horribly misinterpreted by a minority of people that think they are speaking for all Americans.

We are a nation of laws that throughout history have been drawn from the Hammurabic Code, the laws and notions of the ancient Greeks and Romans, and last but not least were compiled together by a group of militant Deists that sought to preserve the freedoms that they themselves so desperately sought. These men were not christian in the sence that the dominionists would have us all believe. That age old argument that some god set down our laws is as factually wrong as it is as incompetent to proclaim so.

Those relgious zealots that would steal our freedoms are also the first to scream socialism all the while they are driving to the Social Security office, or perhaps to the unemployment office to file for benefits. To quote an old song,"C'mon people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now."

Support the right for everyone to "Tie the knot", or to get prompt and quality health care.

Peace,love, and light, TR