Saturday, November 3, 2007

I'm Baaaaccckkkkkkk.....(oh crap, here He goes again)

Yes I took the summer off and didn't write a darned thing..(rips a page from the "Dubya" playbook. "Need to know basis only").....HHmmmm ok ok y'all dont need to know. so in the interest of the Ministry of Inteligence, read( propoganda), I aint tellin' why.

Now on to ......well whatever pops into My pointed lil head. Lets see, ahhh, a student in Florida this year was at a talk by former Presidential coward, err, contender John Kerry. He went up to ask a very poignant question of Him and wound up subdued by SIX, count'em SIX University cops that obviously hadn't been trained well enough on how to take down one lone young person, and tasered him twice because he was resisting. Now I dont know about anyone else but I am pretty wirey and I think if SIX cops pin me down I dont think I am gonna resist to damn much. So I ask why the use of potentially deadly force on a kid that asked a legitimate question of our government...smacks of totalitarianism to Me. Have we all become such a nation of sheep, fat happy and led to the slaughter?

On to more current events, I found the last Democatic debate somewhat lacking in any form or substance, but one thing struck me, when Tim Russert was ending the debates and could have finally pinned down any one of the candidates on any number of real positions, He chose instead to ask ( in his infinate in loss of reality) them what their favorite bible verse was. Now I can only imagine some poor foreign journalist looking on and wondering why this is imortant to how a person is voted into control in this country. The one thing that I sadly missed was the one verse that not one candidate quoted, yet it is probably My favorite and the most important...Mat. 22:21...Render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's, and unto God that which is God's. You see Jesus was the best and first proponent of seperation of church and state.

Now I guess I will make myself the most hated pundit on the planet. That will be hard seeing as Mr. Ann Coulter is one of the competitors. I find Myself at odds with the recent decision of the court to award 10.9 million dollars to the Father that lost His son in an illegal, immoral, war, because of Fred Phelps and crew of the WBC. My heart goes out to this man..He was hurt and they made that hurt worse.. that in and of itself is deplorable, but does it cross the line of the first amendment? I am not so sure...I watch the fine line between the person walking and the rope..I watch the rope. Voltaire once said " I do not agree with what you say , but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Now I think anyone that vocalizes such hatred is less than intelligent, because intelligence teaches you to speak when it is right and not to harm others...these supposed people of god, and I use a small g for a reason are blinded by nothing but hatred for anything that defies what they call "right". This opens us up to a miriad of other reasonings... do think on this.

O.k last but probably not least I have a mind to ,(rips a page from the religious right playbook), ever notice how I get my hands easily on those playbooks, I should work for the NFL, fire the opening salvo on the supposed myth of the " War on Christmas". A pre-emptive strike at the ones that think they are "persecuted". Jerry "the big man" Falwell coined the phrase and yet didnt he realize that it was the Roman Catholic Church that proclaimed Dec.25th as the birth of Jesus, just to try to overide the pagan holiday of Yule?
This from the same group of fundies that say the catholics are not even christian? Oh Puleeez! I guess they believe in the old addage that " the enemy of my enemy is my friend.". Idioligical idiocy. Tell you what fundies, you quit having decorated trees and wreaths clebrating the spirits of past Yule, and stop with the holly and don't ever kiss under my mistletoe, and I wont be so demanding of my rights to my own holiday. Till then when you make someone say Merry Christmas to me I will smile and with all the love the holiday gives I will wish them a Blessed Yule to them and theirs. By the way as long as I am at it I want all your Yule Log cakes.

Well hell folks , so much for a fair start again. Please do take care all of you and I hope that you all had a blessed Samhain holiday, and that the lil ones got more candy than they will eat in a year, and if your house got an egg or two.....give out better stuff, unless of course you listen to Hannity who said that all Halloween does is teach kids to be liberals, alwasy knocking on doors and asking for a hand out...(maybe he wont get social security, y'know one of those liberal things)

Peace, love and light to all ....TR