Monday, October 5, 2009

I can't really say it's plagerized, but it's close...

With a hat tip and a free beer to whoever wrote originally,I offer this tidbit thanx to my dear friend Rose...

So I was telling my kids the other day that I did not want to be kept alive by a machine and have to take liquid nourishment, so they came over and unplugged my computer and threw away my beer...they can be such assholes...!

On another note...Why can't the congress get it through their collective heads that people really do want a public option. I mean come on idiots we hired you to vote for us not yourselves, quit taking all the lobby money and vote the way your constituents want, what are you?, stuck on stupid? Grow a spine and a sac and we might even think about reelecting you...or NOT!

End of rant ...Peace, love , and light.

P.S.The halloween tree is finally decorated, as soon as I can figure out how, I will put up a pic.(never said I was perfect, I just implied it.)

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