Thursday, May 17, 2007

It's Spring! or Yippeeee lets play in dirt...

"Spring is here, yes sprrring is here,
Life is skittles and life is dear,
I think the most wondeful time of the year is the spring,
dont you, course you do...." Tom Lehrer.

O.K. Now that I have truly dated myself, its true I do believe that spring is the best of the seasons. Things grow anew and everything is fresh and vibrant with new life, and the best reason of all is because I revert to being even a bigger child than usual...I go play in the DIRT...woohoo. I think all lil boys have this tendancy, to go out and find the biggest pile of dirt and wallow in it for hours until they becom indistinguishable from the pile they are playing in. Now that is good fun.

Actually I like to think of myself as a somewhat accomplished gardener, though its been whispered among others that I am just a bleeding heart that rescues plants that no one else would think of buying and tries to rehabilitate them. No matter I like playing with dirt and things that grow, hmmph. So before I digress any further into second, or perhaps, third childhoods let get onto my original thought.

Spring is the time I think everyone notices the most because deep down in our pointed little hearts, we all value the realization for a moment that life and nature are what we are made of and what it is that connects us to this precious globe we inhabit. We are its caretakers and we have in many ways failed miserably, including yours truly. Even I at times take resources way to much for granted and I regret that. Now dont think I am getting all preachy on ya'll cuz I'm not, I am just taking a moment to remind everyone to look at the new life growing around you and think of ways to help stem the encroaching tide of global destruction I fear we may be leaving to our grandkids...we can do better than that, I know we can.

On an afterthought as I rush to get back to my dirtpile... I have always said that if you cant say something nice about someone, don't say anything at all, so here goes.
Jerry Falwell is dead.
Thats as nice as it gets.

Later everyone, TR

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