Sunday, April 8, 2007

A arrrrggggg!

"Render unto Ceasar, that which is Ceasar's, and unto God that which is God's. A simple phrase actually, spelling out any relationship between a religion and its government. Who one might ask spoke so eloquently and yet in such simplicity about seperation between church and state? Well actually it was Jesus himself. Imagine that, seperation of church and state in one simple to understand phrase, two thousand years almost, before the founding fathers of America put it into the supreme law of the land.

Amazed , dont be...Astounded , not really...Afraid, well maybe a little. Good you should be, because in almost all of history, when a single belief in any type of deity occurs, war, totalitarianism and eventually total anarchy ultimitely brings such governments to their knees. Take a close look at the Roman Empire shortly after it embraced christianity, it crumbled into memories and history books. I dont just pick on the Christian faith, the Muslims, the Budhists, the Hindu's, and others to numerous to belabor here, even many various tribes in Africa suffer from religious persecution at the hands of some kind of an overly zealous faith guided government.

Why am I bringing this up you ask? Simply because of these several types of theocratic/autocratic scenerios I can imagine, this is by far the worst and most frightening, especially in a country like America. We are one of the most (if not the most) diversified peoples of any country in the world and we cant even agree on a hamburger much less a religion, yet there are those with money and powerful influence that would love to decide for us. "If You Don't Worship My Way You are obviously a Dissident and a Traitor to the Country !" that is what I fear, total desemimation of the people of a free nation to decide what church, what mosque, what synagogue, or what temple to woship ones own personal deity.

So today I ask, no, I beg you all...dont let any of our freedom slip through our hands for the sake of a religious fervor, or an obviously misguided attempt at control, stand and say with me, "I am an American and My God/ess/'s said I am Free to Worship as I so Choose"! Peace and No new War!

I humbly thank you all and I will talk to Y'all later.

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