If Y'all dont care for religious talks stop reading now, if not please feel free to continue...
I was told the other day that the monotheistic god as we (sorta) know him is omnipitent, that means all everything, all powerful, all knowing, all perfect. I will take a couple moments of your time to refute that concept and then leave it up to you to contemplate it.
per⋅fec⋅tion /pərˈfɛkʃən/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [per-fek-shuhn] Show IPA
–noun 1. the state or quality of being or becoming perfect.
2. the highest degree of proficiency, skill, or excellence, as in some art.
3. a perfect embodiment or example of something.
4. a quality, trait, or feature of the highest degree of excellence.
Now using that criteria it would seem that god is perfect, therefore he cannot create that which is imperfect for it would deletirious to the gods nature. So that being said it seems resasonable that god cannot create that which is imperfect, right?, right. so let's move on.
We must all admit to being imperfect in some way, shape, or form, That being the case how could god have accomplished this feat . He cannot by the nature of his perfection, create anything that is not as pefect as he , which leads us to the simple thought that if an all poweful,(hence perfect) being created us , why do we have imperfections, the concept that some kind of sin made us this way is ludicrous at best, having to beg forgivness of a deity is like having to go to the barber and begging forgiveness that your hair grew back. It makes no sense, any deity that demandfs blind obedience is not worthy of regard much less worship.
That question in and of itself leads to a miriad of other concepts and thoughts that I will leave to you dear readers...After all its Monday what more can you expect?
If you talk to God, you are praying. If God talks to you, you have schizophrenia.
~ Thomas Szasz
Peace, Love, and light. TR
Monday, May 18, 2009
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Tuesday Twofur...
Welcome to the the blog where you can get two rants , and sometimes more, for the price of one. Blogs tend to come and go much like the proverbial winds of change, but it seems that the Rabid Religious Right hangs on to a form of life that border on being zombieish, if ya'll pardon the pun.
It seems that U.S.Congressman Paul Broun(Rethug-GA) has introduced a non-binding resolution(HR 121),that would declare 2010 as "The National Year of the Bible". Now my first reaction was that if good ole Ronnie Reagan already did that in 1983, would not redoing such a thing seem a tad silly or redudant? Thanks to my friends at FSTDT.net I will reprint a small portion of the resolution as written at Govtrack.us...CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
Encouraging the President to designate 2010 as ‘The National Year of the Bible’.
Whereas the Bible has had a profound impact in shaping America into a great Nation;
Whereas deep religious beliefs stemming from the Old and New Testament of the Bible have inspired Americans from all walks of life, especially the early settlers, whose faith, spiritual courage, and moral strength enabled them to endure intense hardships in this new land;
Whereas many of our Presidents have recognized the importance of God and the Bible, including George Washington; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Harry Truman; John F. Kennedy; Ronald Reagan, who declared 1983 as ‘The National Year of the Bible’; and especially Abraham Lincoln, whose 200th Birthday Celebration in 2009 highlighted freedom for the slaves;
Whereas shared Biblical beliefs unified the colonists and gave our early leaders the wisdom to write the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, both of which recognized the inherent worth, dignity, and inalienable rights of each individual, thus unifying a diverse people with the right to vote, and the freedoms of speech and vast religious freedoms, which inspired courageous men like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to lead the Civil Rights Movement;
Whereas the Bible has been the world’s best selling book since it was first published in English in 1526, and has influenced more people than any other book;
Holy Crap, what a load of history revisionism, and that is the part I find frightening about this kind of crap. America, while questionably colonized by religious zealots, was in fact, thanks to the intelligence of our Founders, formed a secular society and it was ensured in the Constitition that it stay as such. One up front example of such revisionism is as follows..."
Whereas shared Biblical beliefs unified the colonists"... I fail to see any type of unification of beliefs between the Puritans and the Quakers, the two most common religious groups in 1600's of America,(that wasn't yet a country).
I have been a history nut for the vast majority of my life and I can't stand the pathetic attempts by people that are blind and ignorant, trying to reteach me the history I know to be true.I suppose I could be forgiving if it were a simple error but it is not, it is an attempt to usurp the rights of a free American people, in order to do the bidding of a select few of idiots and morons.( Those are code words for RR Rethuglicans).
Now for something really different, and this is a true "What the Fuck?" moment. O.K. I care about alot of the things President Obama does because it pertains in even a small way to me, but is there anyone short of a good grill cook that cares if he want Dijon mustard on his damned burger? I mean why is this something to bitch about, I am one of the poorer in the country and if I am out I will order that as well beause I absolutely despise yellow mustard ,(except on a hot dog at Sox Park, and I actually do not care for baseball). Not only do the pundits whine and cry about it they find that the fact he ordered it medium well instead of medium-rare to medium. For shits sake anyone that orders a medium rare buger from a fast diner is asking for a side of e.coli with their meal. It's just common sense folks , and lets hear it for those that use Dijon, or just brown mustard (similar) on their ground, medium-well meat patties.
On a parting thought my friends...
Civil disobedience, that’s not our problem. Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem.
~ Howard Zinn
Peace, Love, and Light to all...TR
It seems that U.S.Congressman Paul Broun(Rethug-GA) has introduced a non-binding resolution(HR 121),that would declare 2010 as "The National Year of the Bible". Now my first reaction was that if good ole Ronnie Reagan already did that in 1983, would not redoing such a thing seem a tad silly or redudant? Thanks to my friends at FSTDT.net I will reprint a small portion of the resolution as written at Govtrack.us...CONCURRENT RESOLUTION
Encouraging the President to designate 2010 as ‘The National Year of the Bible’.
Whereas the Bible has had a profound impact in shaping America into a great Nation;
Whereas deep religious beliefs stemming from the Old and New Testament of the Bible have inspired Americans from all walks of life, especially the early settlers, whose faith, spiritual courage, and moral strength enabled them to endure intense hardships in this new land;
Whereas many of our Presidents have recognized the importance of God and the Bible, including George Washington; Franklin D. Roosevelt; Harry Truman; John F. Kennedy; Ronald Reagan, who declared 1983 as ‘The National Year of the Bible’; and especially Abraham Lincoln, whose 200th Birthday Celebration in 2009 highlighted freedom for the slaves;
Whereas shared Biblical beliefs unified the colonists and gave our early leaders the wisdom to write the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, both of which recognized the inherent worth, dignity, and inalienable rights of each individual, thus unifying a diverse people with the right to vote, and the freedoms of speech and vast religious freedoms, which inspired courageous men like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to lead the Civil Rights Movement;
Whereas the Bible has been the world’s best selling book since it was first published in English in 1526, and has influenced more people than any other book;
Holy Crap, what a load of history revisionism, and that is the part I find frightening about this kind of crap. America, while questionably colonized by religious zealots, was in fact, thanks to the intelligence of our Founders, formed a secular society and it was ensured in the Constitition that it stay as such. One up front example of such revisionism is as follows..."
Whereas shared Biblical beliefs unified the colonists"... I fail to see any type of unification of beliefs between the Puritans and the Quakers, the two most common religious groups in 1600's of America,(that wasn't yet a country).
I have been a history nut for the vast majority of my life and I can't stand the pathetic attempts by people that are blind and ignorant, trying to reteach me the history I know to be true.I suppose I could be forgiving if it were a simple error but it is not, it is an attempt to usurp the rights of a free American people, in order to do the bidding of a select few of idiots and morons.( Those are code words for RR Rethuglicans).
Now for something really different, and this is a true "What the Fuck?" moment. O.K. I care about alot of the things President Obama does because it pertains in even a small way to me, but is there anyone short of a good grill cook that cares if he want Dijon mustard on his damned burger? I mean why is this something to bitch about, I am one of the poorer in the country and if I am out I will order that as well beause I absolutely despise yellow mustard ,(except on a hot dog at Sox Park, and I actually do not care for baseball). Not only do the pundits whine and cry about it they find that the fact he ordered it medium well instead of medium-rare to medium. For shits sake anyone that orders a medium rare buger from a fast diner is asking for a side of e.coli with their meal. It's just common sense folks , and lets hear it for those that use Dijon, or just brown mustard (similar) on their ground, medium-well meat patties.
On a parting thought my friends...
Civil disobedience, that’s not our problem. Our problem is that people are obedient all over the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves, and all the while the grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem.
~ Howard Zinn
Peace, Love, and Light to all...TR
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Does remembering make a difference?
Hi all, the following is a reprint (with a change or two) from a couple years ago. It is still as poignant as it always is, for those who remember a line from an old Bob Dylan song brings to mind a simple question..."How many deaths does it take till we know, that to many people have died?"
How many does it take? How about countless thousands in Darfur, or how about 50,000 plus in VietNam, or maybe its 4,200 and counting in Iraq, oops I forgot the 850,000 Iraq soldiers and mostly civilians(conservative count), then again maybe its the 33 students killed at Virginia Tech, at the hands of a poor delusional nut, is that enough or should we add more...?
Maybe four more...the four that should count pehaps the loudest. May 4, 1970, a date that should live in infamy, four students, some exercising the right of free speech and some not, died at Kent State University because our own soldiers, Americans themselves, following immoral orders, turned as they were retreating and opened fire on unarmed civilians. At a school! American soldiers , most not more than kids themselves, shooting at unarmed kids. All in the name of politics and "moral outrage". This has been swept away in the gift of forgetfullness, for the vast majority, but to this writer it was a life changing experience. I found myself questioning freedom itself and our inherrant right to express it in our own way. Maybe that is why I taught all my kids to "question authority", which they have done, way to well at times.
I was in the navy at the time, fairly gung ho and all proud till that fateful day, in an instant I changed, I came to the realization that no war is worth such a price and I could not support such an unjust cause. This is just not what ones pride and sense of justice is able to understand, and to this day I still dont. What the hell were we all dieing for, and I mean troops and civilians.
In a day or so I will turn 57 and though its been a long hard road, my deepest feelings have not changed. In these past 39 years many things have changed and unchanged as the case may be, I am still a "hippie" and a "peacenik", but now we find ourselves yet again facing the horrid reality of an immoral, illegal, and lost war. A war with more horrid implications than I care to think on. Not only are our rights being eroded or stolen at will, but the voice against it is weaker it seems and perhaps with good reason, perhaps not enough remember....or maybe to many are just afraid to stand anymore because to many have died. So tomorrow I will don my "remember Kent State" shirt and do just that....remember.
To all of you I wish that the events of the past are never forgotten, for then, by the gods, we will be destined to repeat them.
Peace, Love, and Light to all...Tau.
P.S. Happy Birthday to Pete Seeger, a true rebel with a cause.
How many does it take? How about countless thousands in Darfur, or how about 50,000 plus in VietNam, or maybe its 4,200 and counting in Iraq, oops I forgot the 850,000 Iraq soldiers and mostly civilians(conservative count), then again maybe its the 33 students killed at Virginia Tech, at the hands of a poor delusional nut, is that enough or should we add more...?
Maybe four more...the four that should count pehaps the loudest. May 4, 1970, a date that should live in infamy, four students, some exercising the right of free speech and some not, died at Kent State University because our own soldiers, Americans themselves, following immoral orders, turned as they were retreating and opened fire on unarmed civilians. At a school! American soldiers , most not more than kids themselves, shooting at unarmed kids. All in the name of politics and "moral outrage". This has been swept away in the gift of forgetfullness, for the vast majority, but to this writer it was a life changing experience. I found myself questioning freedom itself and our inherrant right to express it in our own way. Maybe that is why I taught all my kids to "question authority", which they have done, way to well at times.
I was in the navy at the time, fairly gung ho and all proud till that fateful day, in an instant I changed, I came to the realization that no war is worth such a price and I could not support such an unjust cause. This is just not what ones pride and sense of justice is able to understand, and to this day I still dont. What the hell were we all dieing for, and I mean troops and civilians.
In a day or so I will turn 57 and though its been a long hard road, my deepest feelings have not changed. In these past 39 years many things have changed and unchanged as the case may be, I am still a "hippie" and a "peacenik", but now we find ourselves yet again facing the horrid reality of an immoral, illegal, and lost war. A war with more horrid implications than I care to think on. Not only are our rights being eroded or stolen at will, but the voice against it is weaker it seems and perhaps with good reason, perhaps not enough remember....or maybe to many are just afraid to stand anymore because to many have died. So tomorrow I will don my "remember Kent State" shirt and do just that....remember.
To all of you I wish that the events of the past are never forgotten, for then, by the gods, we will be destined to repeat them.
Peace, Love, and Light to all...Tau.
P.S. Happy Birthday to Pete Seeger, a true rebel with a cause.
Friday, May 1, 2009
It's May
"It's May, It's May, the lusty month of May , The time for every frivolous whim, proper or im...Vanessa Redgrave in Camelot.
Welcome to the month that symbolizes the growing start of summer, when plants begin to grow and life rebirths anew. This is the time to clean off your trowels and rakes and go play in the dirt left over from the past winter. Go have fun snd enjoy , even those that can't can also build a small garden in the kitchen or other sunny spot. A cheap plastic tray will build a wonderful and tasty herb garden, or just use what you have, a box and a plastic bag with a few rocks for drainage or whatever , just grow something for your family.
I have found that time spent with a family playing in dirt is invaluable, I am sure many disagree but that is my opinion. Go out with a pack of seeds and watch your kids go nuts, it's a wonderful personal time. Take time to appreciate the nature around you , you might be surprised by what you find. The wonder of a bee buzzing from flower to flower , the amazement as seeds become a life, the joy of a tomatoe that you grew, take all and enjoy.
This day all I wish is that my gazillions (6) of readers take a moment to remember the wonder of the world around us and take a moment (and it only takes a moment of time), to see and small the world about them .
And one more thing, grab whatever partner you may have and give them a big kiss,... as I said it's May, the lusty month of May.
Peace, Love, and Light, Tau.
Welcome to the month that symbolizes the growing start of summer, when plants begin to grow and life rebirths anew. This is the time to clean off your trowels and rakes and go play in the dirt left over from the past winter. Go have fun snd enjoy , even those that can't can also build a small garden in the kitchen or other sunny spot. A cheap plastic tray will build a wonderful and tasty herb garden, or just use what you have, a box and a plastic bag with a few rocks for drainage or whatever , just grow something for your family.
I have found that time spent with a family playing in dirt is invaluable, I am sure many disagree but that is my opinion. Go out with a pack of seeds and watch your kids go nuts, it's a wonderful personal time. Take time to appreciate the nature around you , you might be surprised by what you find. The wonder of a bee buzzing from flower to flower , the amazement as seeds become a life, the joy of a tomatoe that you grew, take all and enjoy.
This day all I wish is that my gazillions (6) of readers take a moment to remember the wonder of the world around us and take a moment (and it only takes a moment of time), to see and small the world about them .
And one more thing, grab whatever partner you may have and give them a big kiss,... as I said it's May, the lusty month of May.
Peace, Love, and Light, Tau.
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