Friday, January 11, 2008

It's Friday again...Muuaaahhahahahaha.

Well alright, perhaps starting the New Year out with such a heavy and somewhat depressing list was not a good thing. For that I do offer my humble apologies and my promise to make this Imfamous Friday Five a bit more humorous and fun.

Now I am aware that my gazillions of readers(5) are far and away smarter than myself , yet I still think I can offer a few tidbits of obscure knowledge, that may even pass as interestingly inane. So with that and without further ado, I humbly present to you this Friday's Infamous Five things you might or might not have known, yet are none the less just out there.

1. The Main Library at Indiana University sinks over an inch every year because when it was built, engineers failed to take into account the weight of all the books that would occupy the building. "whoa Dudes, what a HEAVY concept."

2. 23% of all photocopier faults world-wide are caused by people sitting on them and photocopying their butts. "Imagine that."

3. It is physically impossible for you to lick your elbow. "No dudes, really."

4. If Barbie were life size, her measurements would be 39-23-33. She would stand seven feet, two inches tall. " Now that is a whole lot of woman, I dare ya to tell her to go back in the kitchen and get you a sammich."
With that ya'll knew I was gonna bring a little sex into it....oh yes you did.

5. Sex is the safest tranquilizer in the world. IT IS TEN TIMES MORE EFFECTIVE THAN VALIUM. " whoa, dudes and dudettes does that mean being addicted isnt a bad thing?"

Well kids there ya go, its now up to all of you to comment of all of them, or some as you see fit, or to give me five that I might not know, your choise, but have a load of fun with it. Oh and by the way: Almost everyone that reads this will have tried to lick their elbow.

Peace, Love, and Light to all ......TR.

Friday, January 4, 2008

2008-So What Now?

First and most of all I want to hope that all of my millions (5) of readers had the most wonderful and happiest of Holidays. It is my wish that all of you that dont read me start doing so so I have a really good excuse to rant more.....(think they read that?).

I am going to attempt a sort of experiment. To be a copycat of a few dear friends I am going to call it the Infamous Friday Five. Now allow Me to may be a meme or just a sinple list of things I feel strongly about, or then again it may be five things I like alot. Memes will include tags , and others will be open to any one who thinks I am the finest person on the planets , or the dumbest loser, or anyone else actually. Sound like fun? Cool lets go.

THE INFAMOUS FRIDAY FIVE. Subject: The five things that should have happened in 2007.

#5. Paris Hilton should have faded into oblivion. Reason: Our constitution has been shredded by the government formed to protect it and almost 4,000 troops have been killed, and the biggest news we see is when that bitch is gonna get arrested again.

#4. Alberto Gonzales should have had to endure what He said was not torture. Reason: Maybe (glurb) he would (glug) have seen a few((choke ,gasp!) ideas of what sort(choke,wheezz, gluuuu)of things that torture is(gasp,wheeezz,).

#3. Michael " I am not sure what is torture" Mukaskey for the same idealogy. Reason: No sense in senseless repetition, over, and over and over and over and over and over. ok I am bored now.

#2. The U.S. should have been first on the Global Warming bandwagon. Reason: Because we have always been at the forefront of any new technology and cause of change for the sake of the planet.(at least until the present monarchs reign). Now we rank 25th and 24th in science and math among industrialized countries.

#1. The Bush/Cheney regime should have been brought to task and impeachment for unconstitutional behavior, treason, and high war crimes. Reason: Do I really have to explain this to you ?

O.K. there we go...the first of , I hope, many Infamous Friday Five articles... the rest is all up to you my friends and fellow bloggers.

Peace, Love, and Light to all ...TR